Utah Women's March 2019 | Utah Event Portrait Photographer
Sometimes it's good for one to take a step back and just...see. Everyone. Everywhere. What it looks like, what it sounds like, what it make you feel like. For me, this was that project. Today was that day.
My last photo project in featuring individuals in the public was during the 2016 Trump vs. Clinton election. Standing in line it occurred to me that these people waiting to vote literally had nothing else to do except wait. To a photographer like myself, this presented an unexpected opportunity to ask individuals, all standing in a single line, with no other place to go, if I could photograph them. I brought along a small black foam core board as a "backdrop" that people were willing to hold up behind each subject and I snapped the photograph. This turned out to be harder than I thought, however, as that election in particular was unusually polarizing and people feared that this crazy person asking to take their photograph--me, admittedly crazy at times--might publish their photograph in a political context. (I didn't, of course. The post is linked here if you'd like to see.)
Going into the Women's March today I prepared for the same kind of resistance from the strangers whom I asked to photograph. Opposite experience. Every single person said yes. 100%. Every time.
It's so easy for us photographers to get wrapped up in our sets and poses and lighting and technical stuff. It felt good to just show up with a camera, take a deep breath, and connect with people united in purpose: equal consideration.
These are the photographs.
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