A Trip to Dreamscapes Exhibit (Utah Arts Alliance)

Model: Cheryl Bunnell | Photo: Wendy Hurst
(Her white wig matching the clouds was a total coincidence, I swear.)

The exhibit spoke to me. Interactive art installations flow from one environment to the next. An ordinary old room with a fireplace slowly leads to a hallway of giant raindrops, a fluorescent-lit ball pit to a hall of mirrors, each exhibit designed with upcycled materials intended for touch and a wandering mind. In short, it's equal parts immersive for the imagination and incredibly difficult to get good light.

I say "get" because off-camera flash isn't exactly designed into the flow of things. We weren't alone and many spaces didn't even have room for adequate modifiers to do the setup justice. So instead of going into the situation with visions of taking the best photographs ever, I took the natural challenge of just doing the best with whatever was available. Honestly that turned out to be half the fun.

Model: Elyssa Anderson | Photo: Wendy Hurst

Model: Sarah Abraham | Photo: Wendy Hurst

VENUE: Dreamscapes (art exhibit hosted by Utah Arts Alliance)

Cheryl Bunnell
Elyssa Anderson (@elyssa.anderson.hair)
Sarah Abraham (@livthelovelylife)

PROPS: @hello_wayfinder


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