Sea of Balloons - Fashion Editorial

Sharese Taylor @shar_ific, Model // HMUA: Emily Brooksby @brooksby_beauty
Photo: Wendy Hurst // Production @hello_wayfinder
I don't usually photograph high key portraits, but when I do it's because Steve Berlin (another local photographer and the owner of the studio where we photographed this series) taught me. 

Technical Notes
The room was completely white, ceiling to floor, wall to wall. That was problem one. Problem two was the fact that we chose to bring white balloons to a white space. Too bright and the balloons would vanish; too dark and the room would look gray and dreary--the opposite of the look I hoped for. This was lit with a single key light at camera left and two fill flashes from behind. My method wasn't super scientific. I just turned up the light and fired test images until I saw the kind of shadow I wanted...more or less. Then I made some minor adjustments in Lightroom until it looked how I wanted.

And boom! Sharese Taylor, tattoo artist extraordinaire. 


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