Vanity-Fair Inspired Headshots, featuring Brittany Walker Manwill // Utah Fashion Portrait Photographer

Brittany Walker Manwill is a hair and makeup artist I met on the stormy set of a water session during the summer. She owns and operates Enchante International Salon in Holladay, Utah and mentioned she would love some headshots of herself and her work on location sometime.
Savanna Mangum, model; Brittany on the right

Vanity-Fair inspired headshots immediately flashed in my head. 

Now if you happen to browse her waiting room, and if you happen to face away from the window, that bronze and gold painted wall before you might look familiar. Currently that wall looks more awesome than any portable backdrop I own. 

I'm going back--and you're totally invited! #youneedaheadshot

I lit the studio shots with an octagonal softbox at camera right. Most captured at f4.5 at 1/160s. An assistant fanned the female models with my reflector from camera left, which is why it was so hard to keep a straight face...

David, Hunter, Kely, and Diamond (that's her real name!)


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