[Week 11/52] "Forgetting" | Failure is Not Fatal

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." 
Winston Churchill

This past month has been difficult for me. Little League baseball for my older kids is in season and that keeps me busy by keeping track of socks, shoes, toys and backpacks that are neither worn nor owned by me. With such responsibility, forgetfulness clings to me like a used dryer sheet. It's usually harmless like leaving the car keys in the house and making an extra trip back inside, or somehow slipping your ID into your shirt and spending ten minutes searching for it frantically like a lunatic. Other times it's more serious like forgetting a cousin's wedding, or not buttoning your shirt before you leave the house. 

These scenarios are real.

After the forgotten wedding I descended into a dark place in my mind. Why was it that no matter how hard I tried things kept falling through the cracks?? Frustration clenched my jaw and stewed in my stomach. Being forgetful was like a curse, I thought. Like digging for treasure but forgetting where I left it, or spinning around and around until I fell over into a heavy heap in the dust. 

This series adequately named "Forgetting" explores the emotions I scribbled in my notebook that day. What does one do to remember so many things? What happens when one has too much to remember? Utah model Katiey Wilson helped me illustrate these feelings. 

"Forgetting" (a series)
Model: Katiey Wilson

"Out of Fingers"

"Dizzy Spells"

"The List"

"Buried Treasure"
Just start digging.

And a headshot for good luck:

What will your mind see today?


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