[Week 4/52] The Spill | salt lake city utah storytelling conceptual portrait photographer

Self Portrait
Have you ever felt like you're forgetting something but it just won't come back to you? Or had the sudden sensation you were falling as you're trying to sleep? Our brains can be mean sometimes; why not go with it once in awhile? Indulge your strange thinking. Forget what others will say. Let your creativity spill out, even if you think it's crazy. Who knows what you could learn about yourself!
Behind the Scenes
For some this may go without saying, but I'll say it anyway: this is a composite. In total, this final image is made up of six different images.
The first image I staged was the one in the painting. Easy. Next I tilted my bridal portrait against the wall, also easy. I could have worn my wedding dress and kept the actual image in the frame, but I couldn't do this for two reasons: one, my pre-pregnancy pants still don't fit yet so I figured my wedding gown wouldn't either; and two, I don't own the copyright to my wedding photos. It's a travesty but I couldn't afford to buy them at the time. Yes, I take copyright seriously.
I chose a thrift shop special for my dress--$6 whole dollars!--and placed that first image into the frame in Photoshop.
Lastly I took two pictures, one of my top half "falling" and one of my lower half doing a false handstand in the air.
And if you look closely, you can see my camera remote control in my hand inside the painting. I could have edited it out...but why? It's a self portrait after all.
What will your mind see today?
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