Behind the Scenes: "Afflicted" | salt lake city utah conceptual portrait photographer

Model: Alicia Marie Emerson
Makeup & Styling: Alicia Marie Emerson
Photography: Wendy HurstLocation: Murray City Park, Murray, Utah
Where I come from the word "winter" is associated with the word "snow". Utah in winter is cold, snowy and invites skiers from around the world. Being not a skier I associate it with different qualities: hibernating trees, leafless bushes, flowerless stems and the like. Some might think of these as something to ignore until spring when everything blooms back into life; but taking up conceptual photography has changed that dreary landscape into a great source of inspiration.

Oh. My. Goodness. The trees, the pond, the pathways... It was heaven in hibernation. Alicia's Victorian era gown easily out-shined the cloak, so I packed it up the Renaissance and took inspiration from her gown in our environment instead.
I wonder whom in Murray City could grant me a permit to wade into that murky, sticky, beautiful pond next time...
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