The Floating Book, a Self Portrait | Salt Lake Conceptual Portrait Photographer

The Force, a power described in Star Wars as always around us that can physically move objects and share thoughts and feelings, always provoked in me the same thought: what if...?

What would I move? How would my life be different? If it's real, and I believe it enough, will it work for me? As a kid I remember staring intently at objects, believing that if I thought about it hard enough, I could make it move. For real. Obviously it never worked but that didn't keep me from dreaming about it. 

This image explores that experience. I figure if I could move objects with my mind, by now it would be business as usual. An isolating experience, even. Sometimes thoughts feel lighter and more powerful than words; even those in books.

What will you create today? Come share on my facebook page. :)

Self portrait, shot with my Sony A850, 4.5 at 1/30 second. Window light.


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