3 Ways to Say What You Mean in the Modeling Industry
Being honest with yourself about who you are will make your step to the next level easier to take. Here are three common types of social media posts and public messages by models, photographers, etc. to each other and how they can better say what they mean to say. Common Post #1: Admitting Inexperience "I'm fairly new to the photography industry and am looking to get more experience. I'm giving away free (FREE!!!) photo shoots from now until the end of (insert month here), so hurry and book now!" Own It Nobody wants to admit they're a newbie. Using phrases like "fairly new" or "somewhat new" avoids but does not hide the obvious meaning: inexperienced . Own it. If this applies to you, say it out loud. "I'm inexperienced." You just told the truth. Feels good, right? Now how do you get more? If you posted something about shooting for free, you already figured it out. In the "industry", free photo shoots are the way to get...