Autumn in Mustangs of Many Colors

Sadie Pfister @sadienp24, Model // Makeup @beautybysofiamarie // Photo: Wendy Hurst // Production @hello_wayfinder You can tease me, I don't mind--but I'm being honest when I say that beyond the 1967 and 2019 models I previously posted about, when photographing 10 cars at at a time I reduce Ford Mustangs to colors. I'll leave the year/model name knowledge to you professionals. (wink) Lighting the Scene Whenever possible I placed the sun and fired a single speed light in a 43-inch umbrella softbox at camera left to fill in the shadows. That allowed me to expose more accurately for the background and not blow out the highlights. Except those few times when I didn't think about the highlights and blew them out anyway. The freedom to fail, even if it's a minor failure, is the reason I do shoots like this anyway. Kade Llewelyn @kades_aesthetic, Model // Hair: @everydayglamourhood Photo: Wendy Hurst // Production @hello_wayfinder ...