No Makeup, Still You (a series)

I don't wear makeup. That shouldn't change whether or not you do. It's just my personal preference for myself. For some people makeup is just part of personal representation to the world, like any other basic hygiene such as deodorant or shampoo. But in my opinion, too many people require makeup to feel "accepted", by themselves or even others. They do it to fit in. I believe that using any substance or object for this purpose is proof of a deeper problem: fear . Fear of judgment. Fear of rejection. Fear of self. With or without makeup, just be you. This series features individuals with no makeup and no skin editing to demonstrate that even without makeup, you are still you. No Makeup, Still You Host: Sundry Models Location: Marc Reynolds Studio in SLC, UT Photos: Wendy Hurst Portrait Model credits at end Technical Stuff Backdrop is seamless gray paper. For lighting I used my go-to setup, a main plus a fill. Both were a speed light in a 43...