Contemporary Dance Portraits, Featuring Nicole Montgomery

Dancer: Nicole Montgomery | Photo: Wendy Hurst Portrait I LOVE DANCERS. I'm a ballroom dancer myself, but I love and appreciate all kinds of dance. But photographing them--my favorite medium of self expression--escalated my appreciation to a whole new level. Interpreting something artistic, artistically is like opening a window to look into a world one has never seen before. Waterfalls in the desert! Wind underwater! Fawns frolicking the clouds! Engaging in the creation of a world within a world--especially through motion--is an experience I think every photographer should actively pursue. That is, I could photograph dancers all day, every day, and never, ever get tired of it. If you're a dancer and haven't had your photograph taken in awhile, or did and just didn't get the "feels" that dance can bring, I want to hear from you. Message me at my website or via social media and let's talk about how to create the most beautiful portraits you've...