#nonsenseinspires week 4: the case of the lonely object

Jumping right in this week... Spotting Some Nonsense We are surrounded by things because...life. Whether those things were created by nature (a tree, a flower, dirt, air) or man-made (cars, grocery stores, baseball fields) we are surrounded by people, places, and things. You know, nouns. Pick one. How to Use It Apply a bizarre situation. Perhaps there's a pen nearby. What would happen if it started talking to you? What would it say? Would it do acrobatics around your desk? Would it draw you an amazing picture--on your face? It Works for Me I don't know why, but the grocery store inspires me. All those rows of shelves stocked with colorful shapes that come in so many different sizes is like a puzzle for my brain. Raising a family means I spend a lot of time there, and...apples. We love apples. By mixing it into a bizarre situation that [probably] wouldn't happen in real life, I created an equally bizarre self portrait in my basement and combined it with an i...