
Showing posts from September, 2016

#nonsenseinspires week 4: the case of the lonely object

Jumping right in this week... Spotting Some Nonsense We are surrounded by things Whether those things were created by nature (a tree, a flower, dirt, air) or man-made (cars, grocery stores, baseball fields) we are surrounded by people, places, and things. You know, nouns. Pick one. How to Use It Apply a bizarre situation. Perhaps there's a pen nearby. What would happen if it started talking to you? What would it say? Would it do acrobatics around your desk? Would it draw you an amazing picture--on your face?  It Works for Me I don't know why, but the grocery store inspires me. All those rows of shelves stocked with colorful shapes that come in so many different sizes is like a puzzle for my brain. Raising a family means I spend a lot of time there, and...apples. We love apples. By mixing it into a bizarre situation that [probably] wouldn't happen in real life, I created an equally bizarre self portrait in my basement and combined it with an i...

#nonsenseinspires week 3: words without words

It's happened to you. That face of that person you just met or last saw years ago is clear in your mind and yet somehow their name eludes you, dangling on a string just out of reach by a cunning, imaginary hand. Or maybe for you it's a song lyric, or a musical tune stuck in your mind but one you just can't place--or erase. See it as a blessing rather than a curse. Nonsense has come knocking. Spotting the Nonsense What are those fragmented lyrics you recall? What memories do you associate with that person's familiar face? What images do they conjure? What do those images make you recall? How to Use It Now add something ridiculous. Something that makes you say, "that can't happen." Maybe the last time you saw that person you were in an office at work--and suddenly there was an explosion and you heroically shoved them out of harm's way. Maybe you walked in slow and glorious motion away from the flames, unfazed and unharmed. Maybe the credits rolle...