Like a Circus, Featuring Wardrobe by Madisigns

Wardrobe: Madison Sayes at Madisigns Stylist: Chantelle Alvey Photographer: Wendy Hurst Portrait Models: Erin Dobbins (Marionette) Kayla McKay (Harlequin) Kirsty Stalder (Peacock) Madi Beckstead (Tight-Rope Walker) Madison Lindgren (Lion) Melissa Nicole Meldrum (Fortune Teller) "What's the last crazy thing you've done?" It's a question one of my favorite photographers, Benjamin Von Wong , asked at a conference where he presented. At the time I watched his presentation my answer was vague: I popped a smoke bomb firecracker at a public park during no-firework season. It was risky, coy and created one of my favorite images to date. But now my answer is more specific: THIS SHOOT. The Idea I'm a spontaneous kind of person and like to coordinate shoots last minute. For some reason it appeals to my crazy side. But as fun as that is, sometimes I really want to take my time to think things through. Sure, I know photoshop and can cre...