
Showing posts from December, 2015

[Week 2/52] "Grafted" | salt lake city utah storytelling conceptualportrait photographer

"Grafted" | Model: Madi Beckstead | Photo: Wendy Hurst Portrait "Grafted" Model: Madi Beckstead Photo: Wendy Hurst Portrait Sometimes I have a specific reason or interpretation to share about the title of an image. Sometimes an image just is what it is. This is such a time. Behind the Scenes I promise not all my images feature Madi, there's just something memorable about photographing in difficult situations with dedicated people like she is. :) Every day I drive by a large open field lined by gnarled trees with peeling bark and nests built by large birds I can't identify. On this particular day a chilly breeze was blowing in from the east, giving us about 60 seconds per jacketless burst before it was just too cold for bare skin. With some strategic planning we avoided the birds and traffic to get this shot, which I darkened considerably to create the mood the pose demanded. I wanted it to be heavy, motionless and still. A dark peace, a...

[Week 1/52] "The Corner" Series | salt lake city utah storytelling conceptual portrait photographer

My third baby is due in January, and planning for the event required me to seriously consider how to spend my time after she arrives. With two younger children to take care of plus a new baby, how will photography and sewing fit into my routine? Sparingly is the answer. So to keep my creativity sharp I'm starting a 52-week photo challenge. My goal is to post at least one new image every week through 2016. I hope you'll join me on the journey. "The Corner" Series Model: Madi Beckstead Photo: Wendy Hurst Portrait "The Corner" is a three-image series that explores how one can react when cornered. Any time you're presented with a problem or struggle--a complicated test at school, a frustrating experience at work, a loved one passing away--it could weigh you down. You could let it define you. Or you can use the opportunity to build up your potential. ...