Dancer: Nicole Montgomery | Photo: Wendy Hurst Portrait |
I'm a ballroom dancer myself, but I love and appreciate all kinds of dance. But photographing them--my favorite medium of self expression--escalated my appreciation to a whole new level. Interpreting something artistic, artistically is like opening a window to look into a world one has never seen before. Waterfalls in the desert! Wind underwater! Fawns frolicking the clouds! Engaging in the creation of a world within a world--especially through motion--is an experience I think every photographer should actively pursue.
That is, I could photograph dancers all day, every day, and never, ever get tired of it. If you're a dancer and haven't had your photograph taken in awhile, or did and just didn't get the "feels" that dance can bring, I want to hear from you. Message me at my website or via social media and let's talk about how to create the most beautiful portraits you've ever seen of yourself.
Dancer: Nicole Montgomery
Dancer: Nicole Montgomery | Photo: Wendy Hurst Portrait |
Dancer: Nicole Montgomery | Photo: Wendy Hurst Portrait |
Dancer: Nicole Montgomery | Photo: Wendy Hurst Portrait |
Dancer: Nicole Montgomery | Photo: Wendy Hurst Portrait |
Dancer: Nicole Montgomery | Photo: Wendy Hurst Portrait |
Dancer: Nicole Montgomery | Photo: Wendy Hurst Portrait |
Dancer: Nicole Montgomery | Photo: Wendy Hurst Portrait |
Dancer: Nicole Montgomery | Photo: Wendy Hurst Portrait |
Dancer: Nicole Montgomery | Photo: Wendy Hurst Portrait |
Dancer: Nicole Montgomery | Photo: Wendy Hurst Portrait |
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